Friday, November 04, 2005

Friday Question tickles your funny bone

This week's FRIDAY QUESTION asked readers to name a song that makes them laugh out loud. What's so funny?
Rick T. -- "When You're Hot You're Hot" sung by Jerry Reed. You just got to laugh or at least smile!
Shannon H. -- Lately, my friends and I have been laughing at "Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo" by the Bloodhound Gang. It's one of the dirtiest songs I've ever heard on the radio. It's so gross and ridiculous and obviously written by former frat boys that I laugh every time I come across it.
Diane H. -- I think Todd Snider is great at blending humor into really good songs. He's written some great songs that make me laugh, including "Doublewide Blues" and "Conservative, Christian, Rightwing Republican, Straight, White, American Males," but his live version of "Blow up Plastic Girl," which I'm pretty sure was written by someone else, makes me laugh every time, even though I know the punch line. You gotta love a song about a hick who orders a plastic girl that he named Wendy, but then ends up broken hearted when he catches Wendy with his best friend Earl.
Ann M. -- A peanut butter song I used to sing with my preschoolers.
Mary N.-P. -- "Tie Me Kangaroo Down Sport" by Rolf Harris. He's just so EARNEST and it's such a goofy song to be earnest about.
Dave B. -- "I'm Just a Bill" by School House Rock.
Mike D. -- Most of the songs that make me laugh are pop songs that my brothers have rewritten with unprintable lyrics. In lieu of that, I'd have to say Jib Jab's 2004 election parodies or anything from Weird Al Yankovic. Mock 'n' roll!!!
Erik H. -- This week I have been exploring the vast catalog of Dan Treacy's brilliant indie-pop creation, Television Personalities. One of their earliest hits, "Part Time Punks" expertly parodied the then-current London scene. The part-time punks try to look trendy, seeking to shock but all look the same. They don't use toothpaste, Treacy sings, but they have enough money to see The Clash in concert.
Treacy's funniest song, however, and the one that makes me crack up every time I hear it, is "Another Rainy Day in Manchester."
This unreleased live gem from 1986 lampoons The Smiths and lead singer Morrissey in particular, with startling hilarious results.
In The Smiths' "Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now," Morrissey complains that "I was looking for a job and then I found a job/And heaven knows I'm miserable now."
Treacy sings "Once I had a job, then I found a job/And then I had two jobs" in a mournful, off-key croon just like Morrissey. I laugh every time.
The song finishes with more mock misery: "And I'm so miserable, and I've never been laid/And we've just signed to EMI, 'Cos we'll never get a number one on Rough Trade."


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