Thursday, October 27, 2005

A little indie while I wait

My father-in-law is in the hospital today, undergoing a follow-up surgical procedure on a knee he had surgically replaced 10 weeks ago.
I was waiting by myself in the surgical waiting room, bored of news from Washington, D.C. and slightly numbed by continuing news coverage of the World Series (but hey, let's here it for the Sox!).
So I turned to the iPod.
I decided to hear some indiepop classics: Do-it-yourself gems by bands such as "Girl on the Bus" by the Thin Yoghurts (1980), "Say Yes to Everything" by St. Christopher (1991) and "Words and Smiles" by Tiger Trap (1992).
These are songs you simply won't hear on the radio -- at least where I live -- but they deserve to be heard. The roots of Neutral Milk Hotel, Belle and Sebastian and the Decemberists can be heard in these songs. I hope they always resonate.


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