"Mas, Que Nada" only does so much

I have been listening to this wonderful music for the past two days, trying to infuse a little artificial WARMTH into a life gripped by winter's bitter cold.
I am afraid I can only report limited success with this experiment.
There is no problem with the sunny, bubbly music -- it performs exactly as advertised.
I am afraid the warming music faces too great an adversary with this cold spell we're experiencing.
It was minus-2 Fahrenheit in Dubuque at 11 a.m. yesterday. It "warmed up" to 0 by noon and by the time I went home from work it was still merely 3 above.
Actually, things were not much better in the office, where renovation work has resulted in a steady stream of cold air pouring into my temporary workspace.
Some coworkers draped themselves in their winter coats while sitting at their desks.
I plan on wearing a sweater today.
So, to recap:
BRAZILIAN MUSIC -- not so good at warming, but a highly effective soundtrack for a complaining rant about inappropriate indoor air-conditioning.
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