Thursday, August 09, 2007

"Feel like a broke down engine, ain't got no drivin' wheel"

On top of a crappy day at work, I learned this afternoon that my great uncle fell and broke his neck today.
He is in a hospital in Chico, Calif., and the fear among the medical professionals is paralysis.
HUGH SMITH was always a role model of mine. He survived horrific encounters during World War II, but you would never know it from talking with him. I can only remember a handful of times in the past four decades when he wasn't smiling. His smiling was infectious.
Tonight, I sit here helpless, about 2,000 miles away from Enloe Medical Center and my great uncle.
All I can do right now is pray. I am doing that while listening to BLIND WILLIE McTELL (pictured).
Music has healing powers, they say. I hope they are right.


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