Friday, September 09, 2011

Cheer up! It's Friday Question time again

We all feel down sometimes -- just ask SAN FRANCISCO GIANTS fans this season.
ROUTE 1 readers offer some positive tactics by answering the following FRIDAY QUESTION:
"How do you cheer yourself up when you're feeling down?"
BEKAH P. -- Some yoga, some fancy and expensive cheese and chocolate, some emotional rom-com.
ROSEANNE H. -- Go shopping.
RICK T. -- I go on Facebook and see how much other people are having a more worse day than me.
SANDYE V. -- Usually by working on a puppetry project or spending time in the garden (weather permitting) or reading a really great book.
KERI M. -- Play with my dog, hang out with my boyfriend or do Yoga. Sometimes all three at the same time!
BRIAN C. -- I check out Route One. If that doesn't work, read about people who have experienced real tragedy and your problems are trivial by comparison.
JOHN S. -- I go for a bike ride.
ANNIKA H. -- Dance.
JIM S. -- Seeking solace from a pet often has helped me, from my younger days with Ching and Chang (our Siamese cats), to Jabbar a mutt dog, to Billie the Boston Terrier to Tabby (for almost 18 years) and now kittens Leah and Woody. It's unconditional love - except when the cats would rather not!
MIKE D. -- Look at photos of great times from the past. Or, if I'm in my car, turn on the radio and listen to some classical music to sooth me or head bang with some 1980s heavy metal to rock my cares away.
ERIK H. -- I listen to music and go for a walk.


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