Chord instruments?! We don't need no stinkin' CHORD INSTRUMENTS!!!

1) Sautéed onions and garlic while preparing a *KILLER* spaghetti sauce for tonight.
2) Sipped Drambuie, the greatest liquor ever invented.
3) (see No. 2)
4) Listened to "Gerry Mulligan Quartet Live at Storyville."
Mulligan doesn't get his due, and I blame the pianists of the world.
During the heady, jazzy times of the 1950s, musical genius Mulligan (yes, he really is a genius) hit upon the idea of creating a jazz quartet without a chord instrument. No more piano, no more guitar -- just blokes with horns, a bass player and a drummer.
The end result of this decision, as evidence by most of the tracks on "... at Storyville," sounds like a couple of marching band dudes suddenly deciding to SWING as if their lives depended on it, and a bewildered drummer following along because he had no other clue as to how to respond.
In short, it's the COOOOOOLEST freakin' music ever created. Or, is that the Drambuie talkin'?
No mind.
Gerry Mulligan's chordless quartet on the album I heard today featured Bob Brookmeyer on VALVE TROMBONE. That's like a really weird cross between a trombone and a trumpet, but it works in this setting. It sounds sublime.
Or, is that the Drambuie talkin'?
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