Deck the halls with mad GODZILLA

About a week after Jill completes our interior Christmas decorations, the girls and I place Godzilla in the Christmas Village, overturn the vehicles, cause the villagers to flee and affix cardboard flames.
Jill plays along, feigning SURPRISE and OUTRAGE.
The girls really believe she means it, which is half the fun at least.
We were adding Scotch tape to flames yesterday and I told the girls:
"We better put the tape back where we found it when we are done, or we are going to be in trouble."
Kerstin (age 11) said:
"We're already in trouble."
"What do you mean we're -- oh yeah. Yeah, we're in trouble."
We aren't, really. It's a tradition!
We set up this year's version of the village in kaiju despair at noon yesterday.
Two-and-a-half hours later, I was so feverish I went to bed and -- apart from 10 minutes to sip some juice -- I didn't get up for 15 HOURS.

I feel better today.
We drove over to Galena, Ill. to shop for "stocking stuffers." We found loads of cool things at a shop called Atomic Toys.
Now I am listening to what might be the GREATEST RADIO STATION IN THE WORLD -- KALX 90.7 FM Berkeley. I'm listening through the wonders of the Internet.
It's a college station of the University of California, and the DJs are so willfully amateur they transcend BADNESS to GREATNESS.
"The next song is from... uh... a compilation called 'Million Dollar Sellers' and I... uh... can't find the... um... track name right now, but... I'll get back to you."
That is ACTUAL DJ CHATTER and it is priceless.
The musical choices are all over the map -- African percussion, jazz, vintage punk (The Misfits), surf music, and experimental electronic music featuring samples of running water. Oh, and the DJ reads off a Bay Area entertainment calendar and mispronounces the names of half the bands.
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