Songs to sing in, on or around the car

"What was the last song you sang in the car?"
Diane H. -- I just bought the new Scissor Sisters CD and have listened incessantly to "I Don't Feel Like Dancin'" as I drive to and from work. If you don't find that song insanely catchy, you might not have a pulse.
Rick T. -- "Ring of Fire" by Johnny Cash. Now that's a classic!
Mike D. -- On Sunday, I helped out Steve Perry on vocals on "Any Way You Want It" (by Journey). A few days earlier, I heard "Livin' On A Prayer" by BonJovi TWICE in one day while driving. I was obligated to belt out that one on both occasions.
Inger H. -- "I WANNA ROCK AND ROLL ALL NIGHT!!!" There is nothing better than a lonely four-hour car ride to bring out the inner KISS in all of us.
Mike M. -- My 3-year-old daughter and I sang "Jingle Bells" while enjoying the light displays on a drive through Murphy Park. We made up the words to the verses that we didn't know.
Erik H. -- It's the B-side to a song I have never heard that came out in 1968 and sank into obscurity shortly thereafter, but when I hear Peter Austin's "Time is Getting Harder" on the "Safe Travel" compilation of Phil Pratt-produced rock steady, I sing along EVERY TIME.
"Time is getting harder, you got to think a little smarter!"
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