Stuffed full of stuffing? Now hear this!

This week, ROUTE 1 marked the occasion by asking the following FRIDAY QUESTION:
"What would you like to hear after digesting that big meal at Thanksgiving?"
Rick T. -- "There's No Place Like Home for the Holidays" by ole Bing Crosby. That sets the mood!
Mike M. -- After digesting that big Thanksgiving meal, I'd like to hear someone read aloud Taro Gomi's classic picture book, "EVERYONE POOPS" ("MINNA UNCHI" in original Japanese): "An elephant makes a big poop. A mouse makes a tiny poop. A one-hump camel makes a one-hump poop, And a two-hump camel makes a two-hump poop"... Only kidding!
Kerstin H. -- Some Christmas music!
Mike D. -- "Plop, plop, fizz, fizz, oh what a relief it is" the Alka-Seltzer theme), since I usually stuff myself beyond my stomach's capacity.
Erik H. -- I drove home from Cedar Rapids, Iowa while digesting my big meal -- I work today -- and I listened to some excellent rock steady tunes on a Lyn Taitt & The Jets anthology. "You Hurt My Soul" by Joe Higgs, "Stop Requests" by the Viceroys and "I Like Your World" by the Gaylets were among the timeless songs that accompanied me through the night.
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