Is it too early for Christmas music?

Oh by gosh by golly, that means it's time for mistletoe and holly.
But, oh by gosh by jingle, I'm just not ready for Kriss Kringle.
Except for Frank Sinatra Christmas tunes.
I could listen to Sinatra sing the phone book and I would be happy.
The clan hauled out the Christmas music when they decided today -- Nov. 18 -- would be a good time to PUT OUT THE CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS.
That includes a full SIX TREES. My role, besides cringing at Rosie O'Donnell duetting with Elmo, includes hauling HEAVY totes of Christmas decorations up from the basement. And helping to move furniture.
We're currently watching college football with the sound on "mute" while listening to Christmas tunes... in the middle of November... more than a month before Christmas.
Happy Birthday Jesus. And, please help me!
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