"Is this a good week for FRIDAY QUESTION?" Magic 8-Ball says: "Whadda you think?"

"What is the best idea to come out of the 1970s?"
Inger H. -- Feminism. The Equal Rights Amendment, equal pay for equal work, Title IX, Roe v. Wade, all of it. For all the goofy hippie aspects of that movement, real progress for women was made then that is still plainly evident today.
Kerstin H. -- Scooby Doo!
Dave B. -- The best thing to come out of the 70s was the next decade, the 80s.
Mike D. -- There are too many to mention, but I'll try...
Scooby Doo, Super Friends, Schoolhouse Rocks, Stingray bikes, Rock 'em Sock 'em Robots, "Billy, Don't be a Hero," Paul McCartney & Wings, K-Tel Records, The Brady Bunch, Happy Days, The Carol Burnett Show, Saturday Night Live, Creature Feature, disaster movies, the Oakland A's, The Big Red Machine, our nation's bicentennial...
OK, let me take a breath...
Mike M. -- This week, Variety.com reported, "After a long illness, the groundbreaking home-entertainment format VHS has died of natural causes in the United States. The format VHS has died of natural causes in the United States. The format was 30 years old... VHS enjoyed a lucrative career, transforming the way people watched movies." Maybe not the BEST 70s idea, poor VHS, but certainly was a GOOD one!
Ellen B. -- MOPEDS! My husband still has his.
Scout S. -- I would say "ME!" but I know you'd just post it on the damned blog, so I won't.
Ah, who am I kidding. You'll post this anyway. I know how it is with Internet tycoons like you: You get your lackeys to generate content for you, so you can sit back in the stately office housing, your Route One Global Domination Center, in your giant overstuffed Herman Miller chair, stroking your luxurious white Persian cat, and cackling maniacally as the money rolls in. Oh, don't try to deny it. You say you're in "Iowa" but everyone knows you're lounging by the beach on your private island near Tonga, fanned by topless native girls and fed papaya smoothies all day long. Everyone knows that you keep Jimmy Buffett on your payroll just so that every time you feel like hearing "Cheeseburger in Paradise" you just snap your sun-wrinkled fingers and out he hobbles (his kneecaps long since shattered to prevent further escape attempts) with his plastic ukulele and rum-swollen cheeks to serenade you as best he can through his salty, bitter tears.
No no, I won't be a pawn in your wicked little game, my friend. I won't sit here at my desk, pretending to create marketing expenditure spreadsheets for the Jenkins/Kennedy account, all the while mindlessly writing material for your blog so that you don't have to put any thought into it other than "cut and paste." I know better than that. I won't get sucked into your whirling vortex of sublimation and fear.
I will simply give you a brief answer to your question, and that brief answer is: INVERSION BOOTS.
Erik H. -- Smiley face.
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