Friday, May 22, 2009

Friday Question: "Roughing It" edition

It's a command that sends shivers up and down my spine:
"We're going camping this weekend -- EVEN YOU."
ROUTE 1 admits to not being the most enthusiastic camper. However, we're willing to give it a try (again) this weekend.
That's this week's FRIDAY QUESTION.
ELLEN B. -- Lots of cold beverages and a set of the bean bag game.
MIKE D. -- Don't forget the tent poles. I forgot to pack them for a group trip, so a bunch of us had to sleep in our cars. My brothers have never let me forget that.
And sleep on a air mattress. Not for the comfort, but to stay dry in case of a deluge. My wife and I once woke up with two inches of water in our tent.So we dried out the tent and spent a couple of hours drying out our clothes and sleeping bags at the town Laundromat. The next night it rained again. I've only camped in our backyard ever since.
BEKAH P. -- When I was maybe 9 or so, I went on a school camping trip. I was in a hiking group with the cutest guy in our grade, and we got lost on the trails for four hours. And before you think anything inappropriate, I assure you, it was a horrible experience. They had rangers out looking for us, and I cried the whole time, thinking I was going to die at Lake Geode.
MARY N.-P. -- If there are bears or raccoons around, keep your food locked up or in secure containers. If it's a pretty wildlife-free spot, build a fire and make s'mores!
JIM S. -- Know of a hotel nearby for backup when humidity, mosquitoes and poor potty facilities ruin any little enthusiasm you had.
KERI M. -- Good friends and no plan of what to do!
STACEY B. -- Trying to grill a frozen pizza the night you set up the campsite always makes for a memorable experience. Plus you'll leave a lasting impression on your camping neighbors as the weird pizza people. Fun times!
BRIAN C. -- In 1971, when I was a junior in HS, a bunch of us (non-qualifiers) went to the 1971 state track meet and camped overnight. We had a blast. Swimming in a quarry was a highlight. Can't believe all our parents let us go, with no adult supervision. Believe it or not, no alcohol was involved.
ROSEANNE H. -- Take along a good book and the makings for martinis.
JOHN S. -- My favorite camping memory's are of Devil's Lake park near Baraboo, Wis. My brother and I swam across the lake without telling our folks.
MIKE M. -- For a memorable camping experience, be sure to wear shorts when collecting twigs and sticks in the woods to build your campfire. I guarantee you will never be able to forget your resulting mite infestation.
SASKIA M. -- Wild horses couldn't drag me to sleep in a tent! I'd suggest you rent a room in a nice hotel near the campground: spend the day with the camp-enthusiasts and spend the night in a comfy bed.
ERIK H. -- I am bringing a good book and my iPod.


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