Arriving late to a "Million Dollar Bash"

I knew "You Ain't Going Nowhere" and "Nothing Was Delivered," for example, because of my love for THE BYRDS' "SWEETHEART OF THE RODEO." My familiarity with "Tears of Rage" and "This Wheel's On Fire" came from my adoration of THE BAND.
It's actually my own fault that I have come so late to "The Basement Tapes." I never realized it is nearly as much an album by The Band as it is BOB DYLAN.
I have been reappraising my relationship to Dylan's music lately, discovering a greater appreciation than before. I learned I had much catching up to do.
It is slightly odd but immensely satisfying, then, to hear these familiar songs in the unfamiliar (to me) original setting.
You may enjoy reading "Million Dollar Bash: Bob Dylan, The Band, and The Basement Tapes", by Sid Griffin. Full disclosure, I work for the publisher, Jawbone Press, but I stand by my recommendation as a BobHead. An informative and entertaining companion to the listening experience. Cheers!
Bob Dylan will be in La Crosse this November 5:
And Willie Nelson in Dubuque on December 4. I wish I could go to both!
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