Wednesday, June 13, 2007

"There's definitely something in the air tonight, Charlie. That's three women in a row he's had."

I relaxed after work last night by enjoying Bill Forsyth's classic teen film "Gregory's Girl" on DVD.
I selected "Original Scottish Language Track," to avoid the badly dubbed version I saw the first time I watched this film.
Gordon John Sinclair stars as a lovestruck, awkward teen -- the titular Gregory.
He falls for the best player on his soccer team.
"Is it Andy?" a friend asks.
"No, it's Dorothy."
The entire school loves soccer goddess Dorothy -- small boys sell her photograph in an ad-hoc store based in the boys' restroom -- but Gregory has a slight advantage: She needs a goalkeeper (however poorly he plays) for shooting practice.
It is all great fun. Even trying to figure out why that young fellow is wearing the penguin suit.


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