Fredag Fråga!

"What is the best SWEDISH song?"
Gary D. -- There is a little known Swedish song that is heard every four years, "I see the puck, then I duck."
Erik H. -- I was going to say either "Dancing Queen" by ABBA or "Crucified" by Army of Lovers, but my anarchist tendencies are on the rise during vacation, so I will pick "Raggare is a Bunch of Motherf**ckers" the 1978 classic by the Rude Kids. Best... Swedish... Punk... Ever!
Lisa Y. -- Does the "Reeecollaaa" commercial count? I am picturing the guy up on the hill hollering that through the big horn.
Mike D. -- "Dancing Queen" by ABBA. It's so seventy-ish!
Annika H. -- "Dancing Queen!" Because it is the best song!
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