Easter in Japan... sort of

It only felt like Japan because I immersed myself in "Travelers Tales: Japan," a collection of essays covering all aspects of Japanese life.
My mini-obsession with Japan comes from a couple sources.
First, I have been enjoying the yakuza-eiga (gangster films) of Japanese auteur Seijun Suzuki.
Second, I am preparing for my trip to San Francisco, where the Asian influence always seems so pronounced. I plan on purchasing some Japanese toys and candy for the girls while I am in San Francisco. I also plan on purchasing a Japanese baseball hat for myself. Although a Yomiuri Giants cap seems the logical choice (I am a lifelong San Francisco Giants fan), I am actually leaning toward purchasing a Hanshin Tigers cap. I have always been intrigued by their "H" and "T" interlocking logo. The club's Japanese-language Web site is located here.
The films and the baseball combine to heighten my interest in all things Japanese. The result? I kept my nose in "Travelers Tales: Japan" often during this Easter weekend. So much so that I almost requested ramen with my ham. Almost.
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