From Orthodontics to Aoteoroa

Today's sunny skies prompted me to listen to my Kiwi playlist on the iPod as I drove Kerstin to an orthodontist appointment this morning.
The playlist features bands such as the Swingers (pictured), Split Enz, The Chills, The Clean, Tall Dwarfs, Shona Laing, Straitjacket Fits and loads more.
As we were grooving to the music, Kerstin thumbed through an NZ guide book I brought to read while waiting for her at the orthodontist's office.
Suitably intrigued, she read about New Zealand food and Pakeha slang before she had to have her appliances adjusted.
Kerstin must have been thinking of Auckland, Wellington and the rest while in the exam room, because she came out later and asked to borrow the book. She planned to read more of it during two free-reading periods at school.
So, that's how music, reading and the weather fits into our daily lives.
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