Reminds me of home

Is there a song that reminds you of your home town?
Diane H. -- Probably "Small Town" by Mellancamp, because it doesn't get much smaller than Mallard, Iowa, and I usually feel affection for the time I spent there, which is the feeling represented in the song.
Annika H. -- "Cleopatra (Comin' at Ya)." It reminds me of Dubuque because I go to dance and that is my recital song.
Mike D. -- The hippie-era "Dubuque Blues" by The Association or "Talkin' Baseball (Willie, Mickey and The Duke)" by Terry Cashman, because they both mention the Key City.
Kerstin H. -- Loretta Lynn's "Portland Oregon."
Erik H. -- Rodger Collins' 1970 soul classic "Foxy Girls in Oakland" always makes me -- and probably everybody else who hears it -- think of Oakland. Collins never hit it big, except in the Bay Area. He eventually converted to Islam and ran an appliance repair store. With this song, at least, he created an enduring anthem about Oakland and some fine females: "All of the guys in Frisco, don't do nothing all day," Collins sang, "but think about the girls in Oakland."
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