Flipping like a pancake, popping like a cork

Drooper, Fleagle, Bingo and Snork seemed like constant companions when I was a kid. I watched "The Banana Splits" every chance I could get. It was like "The Monkees," only with big dopey animals in place of the dopey pop stars. I loved it!
I also loved the music, which I stumbled upon online the other day.
Most people have heard the theme song, "The Tra La La Song."
"One banana, two banana, three banana, four/Four bananas make a bunch and so do many more."
That's just great -- one of the catchiest TV theme songs ever.
It's some of the other songs on the album that have taken me by surprise. I had forgotten the psychedelic bubblegum pop of The Banana Splits. Songs such as "I Enjoy Being a Boy" and "Pretty Painted Carousel" were wonderful.
Do you remember your Banana Splits?
Drooper the lion played rhythm guitar... Fleagle the dog played lead guitar (and he ROCKED)... Snorky the elephant played keyboards (was he the musical mastermind?)... and Bingo the monkey pounded the drums.
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