Friday, March 03, 2006

The Cartoon hit parade

This week Route 1 seeks an aswer to the following FRIDAY QUESTION...
What's your favorite song by a cartoon character?
Jill H. -- does School House Rock count? I'm just a bill, I'm only a
bill and I am here on Capitol Hill...
Dave B. -- The theme from Hong Kong Phooey.

Rick T. -- For me it has to be Jimmy the Cricket "When you Wish Upon A Star." Hands down!
Kerstin H. -- Winnie the Pooh
Ellen B. -- I really never got into Cartoons...
Mike D. -- I always thought "Open Up Your Heart and Let the Sun Shine In" by Pebbles Flintstone and Bam Bam Rubble was kind of catchy.
Erik H. -- As a kid I liked "Sugar Sugar" by the Archies, but the song that still gets lodged in my head occasionally is the theme to the Josie and the Pussycats television show. "
Josie and the Pussycats/"Long tails and and ears for hats." Classic stuff. "See ya all in Persia/Or maybe France/We could be India/Or perchance/Be with us in Bangkok/Make no difference/Everywhere the actions at/We're involved with this or that."


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