The Cartoon hit parade

This week Route 1 seeks an aswer to the following FRIDAY QUESTION...
What's your favorite song by a cartoon character?
Jill H. -- does School House Rock count? I'm just a bill, I'm only a bill and I am here on Capitol Hill...
Dave B. -- The theme from Hong Kong Phooey.
Rick T. -- For me it has to be Jimmy the Cricket "When you Wish Upon A Star." Hands down!
Kerstin H. -- Winnie the Pooh
Ellen B. -- I really never got into Cartoons...
Mike D. -- I always thought "Open Up Your Heart and Let the Sun Shine In" by Pebbles Flintstone and Bam Bam Rubble was kind of catchy.
Erik H. -- As a kid I liked "Sugar Sugar" by the Archies, but the song that still gets lodged in my head occasionally is the theme to the Josie and the Pussycats television show. "Josie and the Pussycats/"Long tails and and ears for hats." Classic stuff. "See ya all in Persia/Or maybe France/We could be India/Or perchance/Be with us in Bangkok/Make no difference/Everywhere the actions at/We're involved with this or that."
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