Friday Question: Hearts and Flowers edition

Jill H. -- Some slow sultry jazz like Chet Baker, his voice along with the instrumentals just makes you want to grab the one you love...
Rick T. -- "I will always love you" by Dolly Parton. If that don't pull a heart string, then you just might be dead!
Mike D. -- Soft instrumentals by Kenny G. The John Barry soundtrack to "Somewhere in Time" for a nostalgic mood. But "our song" has always been "Playground in My Mind" by Clint Holmes, because the lyrics include "My name is Michael,... My girl is Cindy..."
Kerstin H. -- "We Never Loved Before" by Faith Hill.
Roseanne H. -- We both like "At Last" - in fact we danced to it at our wedding. But a few days ago we saw a cat food commercial and guess what song the cat was eating now the song has been elevated to an elegance never before known that now makes it even more special to us.
Erik H. -- I have to admit: Chet Baker's cool jazz vocals from the 1950s have always held a mystifying power over me. He couldn't really sing... not in the conventional, "good singer" sort of way. Still, true emotion seems to unfold out of his songs, enveloping the listeners.
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