She can't stand the size of his needle

I realized that bit of wisdom today, our official moving day, when I tripped over a step walking backwards and a 6-foot-long oak dresser landed in my lap.
I was laughing too hard to care, thanks to the unofficial "Moving Day Theme Song" my friend Matt and I adopted early during the hectic day.
We heard Lord Kitchener's brilliantly bawdy "Dr. Kitch" from 1963 and after exchanging shocked glances about the double (triple) entendres, I cued it up to play many more times on the CD player in the pickup truck I drove.
"I am not a qualified physician/and I don't want to give this injection" he sings.
Kitch does at least attempt to give the injection:
"I push it in/she push it out/I push it back/She start to shout."
The song continues in a similar vein, to the degree that I turned to Matt while we carried a bookcase and said: "This song would make a porn actress blush."
Music historians rank Lord Kitchener alongside Mighty Sparrow as the twin titans of calypso.
Born Aldwyn Roberts in 1922 in Arima, Trinidad and Tobago, Kitch began composing calypsos at age 10 and was still singing when he passed away in 2000.
I have to thank him for making my moving day enjoyable -- even with a large dresser in my lap.
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