My greatest gig experience... EVER!

My greatest gig ever? Easy. Midnight Oil at the Kaiser Center in Oakland, Calif., Nov. 3, 1988. It was during the Diesel and Dust tour and the Australians hit the stage against a simulated cattle station backdrop, complete with windmill and water tank. They opened with "Read About It" and closed with a cover of "(What's so Funny 'Bout) Peace, Love and Understanding." The rest of the set list read like a "best of" the band's earliest, most powerful work... with one exception. They did not play "Power and the Passion," the first Oils song to appear in the United States, thanks to MTV and college radio stations. Lead singer Peter Garrett whirled like a dervish throughout the set, a set so memorable my sister (hundreds of gigs and counting) even named this concert as her best-ever experience.
See below for more great gigs!
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