Tuesday, September 18, 2012

"Don't forget illegal zebras in bars"

Our regular car is in the shop for at least two weeks (thanks a lot, deer) so I am driving a "loaner" around town.
It reminded me of something I couldn't quite place... until I drove back from a work assignment this morning.
Indeterminate, slightly dated domestic model... absolutely no distinguishing features... no reason why anyone would ever look at it twice or even remember seeing it pass...
The only thing missing is the little portable flashing red light to stick on the roof on the way to the homicide scene.
And, because I am listening to JOHN COLTRANE while driving around today, I now feel like I am stuck in some ARTSY CRIME FILM.
Albeit, an artsy crime film set in DUBUQUE, so it would be among the *most boring* artsy crime films of *all time.*
"He waged an unending war! Against public intoxication and criminal mischief complaints!"


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