Friday, July 08, 2011

Sweet sixteens

ROUTE 1 editorial assistant KERSTIN turns 16 in a matter of days, leading to this week's FRIDAY QUESTION:
"What do remember about turning 16?"
KERI M. -- My friend who had cancer came to my birthday party. I still have a recording of my party on VHS.
ROSEANNE H. -- My friends gave me a huge surprise party. I can still remember it.
JIM S. -- As with many of you, I remember the driver's license. But our setup was to take classes in school, so I had to wait until the second semester for Driver's Ed. And, since my birthday is in Feb., I was 16 for a few months before I got my license. I was an impatient teen and hated waiting.
BRIAN M. -- That since my birthday's so close to the start of school year, I was going to go out for cross country, if only to get in shape for basketball (not that a scholarship to Oregon State was ever in the offing) and started running on my own... a little. I also remember Men at Work being on the radio for the first time.
ANNIKA H. -- Nothing. I'm 12.
ERIK H. -- I remember that year as being a renaissance of sorts for the Giants, with Chili Davis, Joe Morgan, Darrell Evans and Jack Clark playing well. Of course, they lost on my birthday, 5-3 to the Phillies.



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