Don't rock my jukebox

"Don't rock the jukebox, I wanna hear some Jones. 'Cause my heart ain't ready for the Rolling Stones."
The arrival of an IOWA WINTER always makes me a bit sad -- blame it on my CALIFORNIA ROOTS.
Nobody sang a sad song quite like GEORGE JONES, which probably explains why I have been listening to nothing but Jones for the past two days.
I have never been a big fan of the overly polished "Nashville Sound," so I prefer early Jones -- songs such as "She Thinks I Still Care" from 1962, "Color of the Blues" from 1958 and the song THE BYRDS covered on "Sweetheart of the Rodeo," "You're Still on My Mind" from 1962.
Jones boasts one of the most expressive voices in music, regardless of genre.
It fits my snowy sadness like a glove.
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