The guaranteed, 100 percent original musings of ROUTE 1

I have just been counting the number of blog posts by music fans writing about how they have been listening to SAM COOKE today.
You see, I was operating under the delusion that doing to the dishes this morning while listening to the "MAN AND HIS MUSIC" compilation was somehow original.
Judging from a GOOGLE BLOG SEARCH, you will be happy to know that these actions can now be considered a CLICHÉ.
Almost as big a cliché as me turning my back for a moment and RORY THE OUTSIDE POTTY CHALLENGED PUPPY leaping onto the (prohibited) coffee table.
It's ELECTION DAY, of course, and I am cooling my heels before heading to work, where my day could conclude as late as 2 a.m. (I will be providing election updates for our newspaper Web site throughout the night.)
I am wrapping up a few chores, reading, chastising the bad dog and listening to "A Change is Gonna Come" and all of those other, great, Sam Cooke songs.
I now know it is not the most original thing to do today, but I am going to keep at it. Thousands of bloggers can't be wrong, right?
OK, where was I?
24... 25... 26... 27... 28... 29..."
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