Crying tough for the "Godfather of Rocksteady"

ALTON ELLIS partnered Eddie Perkins on a handful of songs in the late 1950s before forming a vocal group called THE FLAMES.
Alton Ellis & The Flames released a number of legendary tracks for producer DUKE REID, including "DANCE CRASHER" and "CRY TOUGH."
Ellis was among the pioneering musicians who slowed ska's frenetic tempo to create the languid ROCKSTEADY beat. The slower tempos brought Jamaica's vocalists to the fore (at the expense of jazz-trained musicians such as Don Drummond). Rocksteady also paved the way for the worldwide REGGAE explosion fronted by Bob Marley.
Ellis moved to Canada in the early 1970s, then settled in London.
He passed away yesterday from the effects of lymphatic cancer.
I am listening to Ellis this morning, truly saddened by the passing of a wonderful singer.
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