Puppy doesn't like trombones

I was listening to a big band show on JAZZ 91 -- SAN MATEO, CALIF.'S KCSM RADIO -- online and something was deeply troubling RORY (the outside potty challenged puppy).
"What is your problem?"
The dog was taking a defensive posture against the computer. Raising her paws and growling... at what?
Grrr... Grrrr-RUFF!!!
"What the -- oh, you are kidding me?!"
The big band song featuring the prominent TROMBONE SOLO had just concluded, and Rory was back to normal, wagging her tail and sniffing around on the floor.
Puppy doesn't like trombones.
I have noticed Rory barking when the BOOMING BASSES of passing car stereos drive by the house, but I have never noted her aversion to trombones.
To find some jazz instruments your own pet might despise, check out JAZZ 91 by clicking here.
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