The makings of a Clash song

I flicked on the television first thing this morning to see GEORGIA VS. RUSSIA.
Only instead of tanks and town square rallies, this conflict involved girls in bikinis playing volleyball on a beach in China.
Women's sand volleyball amid the killings?
The Georgian women were native Brazilians, Christine Santanna and Andrezza Martins, which made the scene even more surreal.
I immediately thought: This story would make a great song for THE CLASH.
The Clash were great at so many things, including placing politics into the context of a catchy song.
I imagine The Clash would have set the volleyball-lyrics to a REGGAE beat -- they were one of the few rock bands to successfully play reggae. The late Joe Strummer would probably sing lead, I thought, with Mick Jones' pop sensibilities emerging in the chorus.
It would have made a great song.
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