Thursday, November 29, 2007

Oi! Angus! Wake me up, mate!

So much for all the things I wanted to do last night.
Like eat dinner... Like hang out with the family... Like listen to the Blazers on the radio (not that it would have helped, Indiana beat Portland, 95-89)...
None of those things happened, because shortly after I returned home from work, I crawled into bed for just a moment's rest and I have just now woke up.
That's nearly 12 hours of slumber.
I am still a bit groggy, so I have dialed up the ol' AC/DC on iTunes to help stir me into full wakefulness.

I really wanted to read last night, too.
I am re-reading (for the third time, I think) Seb Hunter's hilarious "Hell Bent for Leather," the British author's memoir of a heavy metal adolescence.
Hunter details the life of a metalhead, providing a primer on basic heavy metal concepts (such as the drum solo and the pointy headstock for an electric guitar) while chronicling his less-than-stellar career as a lead guitarist for the hardest-rocking (and most minimally talented?) band in Winchester, Hampshire.
Even if you don't like heavy metal -- and few do, probably -- Hunter's tongue-in-cheek approach and healthy doses of irony make "Hell Bent for Leather" a great read.
Hunter recalls his introduction to metal at age 10, "in an underground common room at a boarding school in deepest Wiltshire." He writes:
"Some wise child peels off from the fray and clunks down AC/DC's "Let's Get it Up," and that's it for me. That was the light switch -- the world suddenly became three dimensional and my ears popped open."
I would have loved to have read more of the book last night. I just couldn't keep my eyes open.


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