"If I have to hear 'Yamo Be There' one more time, I'm going to 'Yamo' burn this place to the ground"
1) The films of Judd Apatow.
With both "The 40-Year-Old Virgin" and "Knocked Up," Apatow has made comedies featuring hilarious dialog, ensemble-type casts with good actors, a mix of drama to spice up the laughs and scenarios where friends eventually stand behind their friends. Apatow also devises ways for us to care about the main characters. He's a filmmaker to watch.
2) "Do Not Laugh at High School."
According to a Web site devoted to it one of the segments on the comedy "Downtown no Gaki no Tsukai ya Arahende" can be described like this:
"Do Not Laugh at High School" is a TV show played in Japan where the players are not suppose to laugh when something funny happens. If they laugh, they will be spanked once at their bottoms. It's the funniest show in Japan. You will enjoy laughs and jokes."
That description -- in slightly fractured English -- doesn't do "Do Not Laugh at High School" any justice. Log on to the Web site, located here, click on some of the YouTube clips, and enjoy. I'm not sure I understand it, but it makes me laugh.
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