Rrrrrrrrr!!! Rrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!! uhh! Rrrrrr!!!

ROUTE 1 recognizes this dichotomy with the following FRIDAY QUESTION:
What song reminds you of a trip to the dentist?
Roseanne H. -- Heavy metal. It would remind me of the drill!
Dave B. -- Jackyl's "The Lumberjack." That stupid, annoying chainsaw in that song reminds me of the drill.
Lisa Y. -- I can't think of a song bad enough to make me think of the dentist... Going there is a complete assault on the senses -- smells bad, tastes bad, sounds awful.
Brian C. -- "Brand New Key" by Melanie. Intentionally annoying. And somewhat painful to experience -- like the dentist's drill.
"I ride my bike, I roller skate, don't drive no car
Don't go too fast, but I go pretty far
For somebody who don't drive
I been all around the world
Some people say, I done all right for a girl."
And to think it was No. 1 at Christmastime 1971. No accounting for taste, I guess.
Erik H. -- The first song I heard after leaving the dentist will forever remind me of the place. I scrolled to a punk rock playlist on the iPod and the Stranglers' 1977 rant "Something Better Change" blasted out of the car stereo speakers.
"Something's happening and it's happening right now
You're too blind to see it
Something's happening and it's happening right now
Ain't got time to wait
I said something better change."
This strident call to arms perfectly encapsulated my feelings as I tapped my numb cheek and waited for the inevitable soreness to arrive. But I'm better now.
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