Thursday, September 27, 2012

Why don't I watch "Out of the Past" more often?

Double-cross, triple-cross, heck, I lost count of the number of betrayals presented in JACQUES TOURNEUR'S classic film noir, "OUT OF THE PAST," but like Jeff tells Kathy in Acapulco:
"Baby, I don't care."
I watched the 1947 film on DVD last night and after it ended I asked myself the same question I ask myself every time I see it:
"Why don't I watch this film more often?"
ROBERT MITCHUM is the ultimate cool private eye, even when he is retired from the profession and owning a gas station.
KIRK DOUGLAS is fantastic as the stylishly polite gambler-villain who seethes under his smooth, outward presentation.
JANE GREER is stunning as the scheming, betraying, yet utterly charming Kathie. Heck, even I was falling for her!
I had forgotten the real pleasure of watching this film. I think I'll watch it again -- much sooner this time.


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