Sunday, April 19, 2009

Coming in at No. 4 in your dystopian hit parade

I have a difficult time watching "A CLOCKWORK ORANGE," Stanley Kubrick's 1971 film adaptation of the Anthony Burgess novel, I think because it seems like a dystopian nightmare that could too easily come true.
However, I do enjoy the scene featuring Malcolm McDowell's Alex character visiting the music shop of the future.
I thought about that scene this morning, while I listened to some HEAVEN 17 songs. The Sheffield band took their name from one of the group's in the Clockwork Orange music shop Top 10.
The Top 10 list from the film (and novel, I think), is as follows:
1. "Mass in G" by Goggly Gogol
2. "Really Play" by Johnny Zhivago
3. "Sweaty Club" by The Humpers
4. "Inside" by The Heaven Seventeen
5. "Dogs and Cats" by Bread Brothers
6. "Switch Me On" by The Sharks
7. "Downy" by The Blow Goes
8. "Jelly Roll" by The Legend
9. "Black Christmas" by Cyclops
10. "Art Noveau" by Comic Strips.
See? It's a dystopian future that seems so easily attainable. That Top 10 doesn't seem all that far fetched.


Blogger Paolo Margari said...

Great catch, thanks!
They all became real bands later on, probably Heaven 17 & Cyclops being the most famous.
Myself, I called some electronic music projects 'Really Play'

2:11 PM  

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