Cozy, soothing Sunday with... Motörhead
For as long as I can remember, LEMMY KILMISTER has been dishing out the hardest, most uncompromising ROCK on the planet. That he does so with a tremendous sense of humor has always made Motörhead one of my favorite bands.
Lemmy often simply cracks me up when I read his interviews.
When a misguided management type once told Lemmy and his mates to trim their hair in order to "reach a much broader audience," the Motörhead main man said:
"That's it then. I guess we're not going to reach a much broader audience."
The Wave Magazine asked Lemmy in an interview last year if the "ö" in the band's name meant Germans should pronounce it "Motuuuurhead."
"No they don't," Lemmy replied. "I only put it in there to look mean."
While countless American bands have gotten rich ripping off their sound, Motörhead themselves have not reached the success they deserve over here. That's a shame.
Sweetness and light is great, but some days you just need a little Motörhead to get you through.
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