FQ goes BOO!

What is the scariest film you have seen?
Ellen B. -- "The Ring!"
Rick T. -- "Frankenstein," with Boris Karloff, when I was a kid.
Rob K. -- Ever since "Godzilla Eats Tokyo," I have stayed away from scary stuff. Real life is freaky enough.
Kerstin H. -- "Dracula," because of the sound effects.
Mike M. -- "The Hand." Oliver Stone, Michael Caine, 1981. "It lives. It crawls. And suddenly, it kills!" Inspired by Thing from Addams Family? Also, "Omen," with Gregory Peck, 1976, and "The Amityville Horror" with James Brolin, Margot Kidder and Rod Steiger, 1979.
Mike D. -- When I was about 10 years old, my dad would occasionally let me stay up late on Friday night to watch the weekly "Creature Feature." One week's film would give me nightmares. It was a 1966 British flick titled "Island of Terror." Research scientists trying to find a cure for cancer accidentally create "silicates" -- blob-like creatures with a single tentacle -- that dissolve the bones of their prey, leaving a mass of flesh. After the scream-filled demise of many islanders, residents are finally saved by the quick-thinking of a character played by monster-movie icon Peter Cushing. But only after he sacrifices his arm while tangling with a "bone-sucker," as we called them. Years ago, I bought the movie on VHS. It's a cult hit among our family.
Steve M. -- I was a young teen, staying up late at night alone at Gramma and Grampa's house, and I watched "Mr. Sardonicus." I crawled into bed at about 1 a.m. and prayed no sounds would emanate from the door to the spacious closet. God knows what was behind all that stuff.
Erik H. -- Writers have credited Dario Argento with "choreographing nightmares," and in his 1977 film "Suspiria" he comes the closest to that aim. I feel the vague sense of dread associated with nightmares for days after watching this tale of a young dance student who discovers that the dance academy's instructors are actually members of an ancient coven of witches.
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