Friday, November 11, 2011

A Route 1 a day keeps the doctor away. Except for this one time

ROUTE 1 staff have been dealing with some medical issues lately, which leads us to this week's FRIDAY QUESTION:
"What are your most vivid memories about doctors or hospitals?"
BEKAH P. -- Well, it doesn't help that I've been in doctor's offices constantly this past month for medical issues... so those are the most vivid. BUT, beyond that, I would definitely say getting stitches as a elementary school student. My brother was chasing me, I tripped and split my lip open. I don't remember getting the stitches, but I do remember vomiting all over my mom's carpet because I was so grossed out by all the blood. Great day for my mom, I'm sure.
ROSEANNE H. -- When I caught polio at 10 years of age. It was all quite dramatic.
KERI M. -- Working in the psych ward. Because I do.
RICK T. -- When I was a kid I got pneumonia and I was put into the hospital. They put a tent like cover over half the bed covering both sides and top and had a steamer pumping Vicks and meds into the tent. I felt like I was camping.
MARY N.-P. -- It's the only time I was ever the patient in a hospital (have accompanied many family members!). The birth of my only child, daughter Morgan, in 1979. The emergency C-section was bad enough, but then she had only 3 of the required 10 vital signs for newborns and a hole in her heart and a twist in her intestine. Luckily I was out for all the worst stuff and because we were in the best post-natal hospital in Denver, she turned out just fine and still is a lovely, talented, funny young lady. In those days, they kept you in-house for much longer, so we were there for about a week - she in intensive care and me in a post-op, then post-birth room. But it was all worth it...
BRIAN M. -- Visiting my father when he got his finger caught in a motor and cut tendons when I was in 6th grade. He spent and entire weekend in the hospital for that. And when I was 13, I took a baseball off the hard dirt right off my right eye, which left me with the biggest black eye a solid month into my eighth grade year, and I had x-rays.
MIKE D. -- Other than when I was born, my only stay in a hospital was for a 1988 kidney stone attack. I remember being left on a gurney in a hallway, writhing in pain for at least an hour, yelling out for someone to give me some pain meds. All was better the next morning, when my brothers and some friends came to visit.
ERIK H. -- Although I endured more ear operations as a child than I can accurately count, my most memorable visits to doctors and hospitals occurred when my wife Jill was initially diagnosed with chronic myelogenous leukemia. Those visits were the most vivid because we were frightened, and heading into uncharted territory.


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