Stimulatin' the economy

I used a small portion to stimulate the economy over at BORDERS yesterday.
I purchased one of my favorite Westerns: BUDD BOETTICHER'S "7 MEN FROM NOW," from 1956.
Ben Stride (Randolph Scott) is hunting down the gang of seven men who killed his wife during a Wells Fargo robbery. Stride’s journey includes encounters with a couple (Walter Reed and the gorgeous Gail Russell) struggling across the desert landscape in a covered wagon and a pair of outlaws (John Larch and the excellent Lee Marvin) with designs on the stolen Wells Fargo gold.
Scott's Stride is the solitary, stoic and brave protagonist who characterizes films by Boetticher, whose filmmaking was infused by a bull-fighting obsession that eventually helped derail his promising career.
I stimulated the economy with some post-punk and music, too, but that's a tale for another day.
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