It is true: Girls Ain't Noting But Trouble

I blame the cats and dog.
I have been listening to "GIRLS AIN'T NOTHING BUT TROUBLE," the 1986 debut single by DJ JAZZY JEFF & THE FRESH PRINCE while preparing for work this morning.
Last night, I struggled to keep RORY the puppy away from LORELIE and MIKA the cats -- all females, by the way.
The puppy wanted to play, the cats wanted the puppy to quit jumping at them and a cacophony of hissing and barking ensued.
I was along in the house with the menagerie, and following a lengthy, busy day at work, the last thing I wanted to do was play animal kingdom referee.
I finally put the dog outside until Jill and the girls (also, all females) returned from shopping. My head was pounding.
This morning has been much calmer. Jill has already left for work and all the other females -- even the animal ones -- remain sleeping.
So, I can sit here and enjoy listening to -- arrrg! The dog is barking again?!?!
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