Friday, January 04, 2008

Nostradamus takes a backseat to ROUTE 1

Oh. Sorry. You will have to excuse the ROUTE 1 staff this morning. We were up late, covering the Iowa presidential caucuses. We were up early, driving staff member Jill to the airport so she could catch a flight to Phoenix, Ariz.
Still, we never let fatigue keep us from our duties, so here goes.
This week, ROUTE 1 readers responded to the following FRIDAY QUESTION:
"What are your predictions for 2008?"
Rick T. -- I predict that Erik Hogstrom will become our next President! (I'll write his name in the ballot.)
Kerstin H. -- I predict that McFly will tour the United States.
Dave B. -- Johnny Rotten and Queen Elizabeth will have lunch together. U2 finally makes an album that does not suck.
Brian C. -- Neither of the respective parties' winners of the Iowa Caucuses will win the presidency in November.
Mike D. -- The Top 5...
5. The Oregon Ducks will make it to the Final Four. (Brown-noser!)
4. Barack Obama and Mike Huckabee will discover that they are really long-lost siblings, fathered by Strom Thurmond.
3. Anna Nicole Smith will be seen having lunch with Elvis at a Fort Wayne Burger King.
2. Britney Spears will have the starring role in a story about an undisciplined singer who joins the convent and gets a job as a governess for the children of a wealthy Austrian cereal baron in "The Sound of Mueslix."
1. Mike D. will answer the Friday Question on time.

Clint A. -- I predict that despite all the buzz about global warming, that there will be the discovery of evidence that we are entering into the next ice age.
Erik H. -- I predict that sweet, sweet sleep will overtake me about 11:30 this morning. Is that too early for a siesta?


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