Monday, October 23, 2006

"Golden Age" Green Lantern: Pros and Cons

I am working a later-than-usual shift today, so this morning I have time to listen to some late 1960s British psychedelic music (Kaleidoscope, The Attack, etc.) while considering the PROS and CONS of being the "Golden Age" comic-book hero, GREEN LANTERN.
PRO: Magic ring enables human flight.
CON: Must touch ring to magic lantern every 24 hours or lose power.
PRO: Can walk through walls.
CON: Goofy yet unfunny sidekick Doiby Dickles with stereotypical Brooklyn accent.
PRO: Bela Lagosi-style Dracula cape.
CON: Bela Lagosi-style Dracula cape.
PRO: Survived train-and-bridge explosion.
CON: Must recite hokey oath -- "In brightest day, in blackest night, no evil shall escape my sight... etc." -- on a daily basis.
PRO: Cuts dashing figure with blond hair, green mask.
CON: "Unique" green, red and yellow color scheme.
PRO: Romantically charged battles with villainess Molly Mayne, a.k.a. The Harlequin (see her here).
CON: Eventually upstaged by canine sidekick, Streak the Wonder Dog (see him here).


Anonymous Anonymous said...

He has more cons, however I read at the viagra online Comic's Center that the guy who design him originally in this epoch ( I don't remember his name right now) had included more positive characteristic but Dc comics didn't accept it.

9:22 AM  
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