G'Day Question

Who is your favorite Australian singer or band?
Dave B. -- INXS... and the Number two song of all time, "Don't Change."
Steve M. -- Gotta be Hoodoo Gurus.
Tom J. -- I know, I know, it's lame... but I've been trying to get the song "Who Can It Be Now" by Men at Work out of my head since 1982.
Mike D. -- Men at Work? Rick Springfield? INXS? Olivia Newton-John? No! My musical tastes have atrophied since I've had kids. I have to vote for The Wiggles! At least I've been to one of THEIR concerts.
Gary D. -- AC/DC. Who else would it be?
Annika H. -- The Wiggles.
Rick T. -- I don't really have one. I like that guy in the movie, "Crocodile Dundee."
Jim S. -- The Little River Band are right up there.
Kerstin H. -- Keith Urban, but I'm still mad at him for getting married.
Erik H. -- Not only are the Hoodoo Gurus my favorite Australian band, the buggers just might be my favorite band from anywhere. Struth! They fair dinkum are! Dave Faulkner's songwriting and unmistakably Strine-accented vocals and Brad Shepherd's guitar playing get me every time.
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