Friday, December 06, 2013

Recalling the inspiration of Nelson Mandela in the little details

I still have the button from my first political protest action -- a college rally calling for the end of APARTHEID in SOUTH AFRICA and the release of the iconic NELSON MANDELA.
Yesterday's news of Mandela's death came as no surprise, but saddened millions nonetheless.
I immediately recalled singing along to "Free Nelson Mandela" by The Special A.K.A. and "Mandela Day" by Simple Minds.
I recalled watching live on television during Mandela's release from prison.
I recalled the newspaper front page I saved from South Africa's 1995 Rugby World Cup victory -- "Springboks World in Union" -- read the banner headline. Mandela featured prominently in the nation's celebration of the win.
These were all little details of Mandela's life, inspiration and presence I have kept throughout the years.
Like so many people around the world, I will miss Mandela and will continue to be inspired by his life's work to bring freedom to all.

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