Monday, February 04, 2008

Maybe I had them pegged all wrong

I am off work today and have been compiling a 1970s playlist for my iPod. More specifically, it is a playlist full of songs my sister Inger and I would have heard on KFRC 610 -- a former Bay Area Top 40 station we enjoyed during the heyday of A.M. radio.
I checked a bunch of CDs of largely forgotten Seventies pop hits from the library to assist my efforts.
While compiling my playlist, I have discovered three categories of songs:
1) Songs I will always love ("Chevy Van" by Sammy Johns).
2) Songs I will always hate ("Playground in my Mind" by Clint Holmes).
3) Songs I once hated, but now I think I might like them -- but -- maybe -- OK, yeah I like them.
This latter category includes "So You Are a Star" by THE HUDSON BROTHERS.
I always thought there was something phony about The Hudson Brothers when I was a kid. I watched them on "The Hudson Brothers Razzle Dazzle Show," for one thing. The kids' show also featured Rod Hull and that Emu puppet of his. I hated them.
Now, more than three decades later, I am starting to think I might have been wrong about Mark, Bill and Brett.
"So You Are a Star" sounds a little like Wings, which is OK.
I also now know that Mark Hudson is a musical savant. He has co-written a dozen Aerosmith songs and produced Ringo Starr, among others. Bill Hudson holds the distinction of having married not one but *TWO* of my childhood dreamgirls -- Goldie Hawn and Cindy Williams. Brett Hudson became a television producer.
So, there was apparently some talent in those boys from Portland, Ore., even if I couldn't see it at the time.

1 comment:

  1. hey erik check this out:
